Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hot Dougs

GG and I had tried to go to this place twice before we were finally successful the third time. The first time we went the line was so long and we refused to wait. The second time was on a Sunday and as we pulled up and saw no line, we were ecstatic. Then we saw on the door that the hours of operation are Mon-Sat 10:30 thru 4:00 (F My Life). So the third time we went at 1:30pm on Saturday. We made a pact that no matter how long the wait was going to be, we had to wait it out. We ended up getting our food at 3:30 pm :). Yes I know it sounds insane to wait 2 hours for a hot dog, but these babies are in a league of their own.

Part of the Hot Doug's experience is waiting in line with its regulars. GG and I were standing behind a very nice couple that had been Hot Doug's regulars for 8 years. They gave us the ins and outs of the place and told us what to expect. The menu is broken down in to the normal hot dogs/sausages (brat, thuringer, anduille, chicken sausages, corn dogs, etc.) and the "specials," which are a rotation of roughly 8 sausages that are more eccentric, like duck, boar, alligator, chorizo, and lamb just to name a few. These are typically garnished with an interesting sauce and an imported cheese.

Hot Doug's is also known for their fries, which they cook in duck fat on Friday's and Saturday's only. For our first visit, we decided to go with six total dog's. We each got the duck sausage with foie gras and truffle mayo, GG got the lamb sausage with tzitiki (sp?) sauce and feta cheese, and I got the ribeye sausage with fried onions, cheddar cheese, and a sour cream sauce. We also split a beer soaked brat and a southwestern style chicken sausage. An order of duck fat fries and regular fries were also added to the mix. The regular fries are a little more potatoey (I like to make up adjectives), and I definitely preferred the duck fat fries which were very decadent and delicious. We each paid roughly $25 each for the food, as the special dog's are $7 each and the regular dog's are $3-4. The duck fat fries are $3.75.

We definitely ordered wayyyyyyyyyyy too much food but we are young, stubborn, and in decent enough shape to make stupid decisions every once in a while. The combination of the infused sausages and accouterments made for a taste I had never experienced. Each dog had incredible snap and the S. Rosen's Company buns held everything together extremely well. I really enjoy the fact that the sausages are all grilled as opposed to boiled, which gives the dog's a smokey taste. They are very filling and two are definitely more then enough.

Hot Doug's has gotten so popular and has such a cult following that no matter what time of day you go, you are going to have to wait in line. GG and I went back a second time on a Friday at 11:15, and waited 45 minutes. The food here is so good though, that the wait is worth it. Go on a nice day with a friend and an empty stomach and I promise you will leave happy. I give Hot Doug's an A and a nod for "The List."

Hot Doug's
3324 North California (California and Roscoe)
Chicago, IL 60618

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